English Collection


pass at

2012年12月26日 | 英語学習

Flowers for Algernonの主人公、Charlie、のアパートの隣の住人、Fay、は大のダンス好きで、今日はダンスの後に男と帰ってきた。隣の部屋からFayの叫ぶ声が聞こえてしばらくしてからの個所です。
Then, a few minutes afterward, I heard a tapping on my living room window. It was open, and Fay slipped in and sat on the ledge, a black silk kimono revealing lovely legs.
"Hi," she whispered, "got a cigareet(sic)?"
I handed her one and she slipped down from the window ledge to the couch. "Whew!" she sighed, "I can usually take care of myself, but there's one type that's so hungry it's all you can do to hold them off."
"Oh," I said, "you brought him up here to hold him off."
She caught my tone and looked up sharply. "You don't approve?"
"Who am I to disapprove? But if you pick up a guy in a public dance hall you've got to expect advances. He had the right to make a pass at you."
この "make a pass at" がこの手のことに疎い私はちょっと分からない。もちろん単純に "make love" なら分かりますが、そんな単純なものではない様だ。
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to flirt with or suggest sexual activity with someone. Can you believe it? Larry made a pass at me! No one ever makes a pass at me.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to speak to or touch someone in a way that shows you would like to start a sexual relationship with them He made a pass at her at Simon's party.

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