"bolt" は色々な意味を持つ単語で、このブログでも何回か取り上げていますが、My Fair Ladyに出てきた次ぎの台詞の "bolt" はこれまでに覚えた意味とはまた違うようです。
HIGGINS breaks the chocolate in two, puts one half into his mouth and bolts it.
・Collins Dictionary: to eat hurriedly ⇒ don't bolt your food
・Macmillan Dictionary: bolt or bolt down [transitive] to eat food very quickly: She bolted down her lunch and rushed back to work.
・Vocabulary.com: eat hastily without proper chewing: “Don't bolt your food!”
We love words that sound like what they mean, and bolt is no exception. It's a quick, sharp word that either means to move quickly or refers to a stroke of lightning, as in "lightning bolt."
The god Zeus was fond of tossing bolts of lightning down upon mortals who angered him. If you were one of those mortals, you'd have been smart to bolt inside as soon as the rain began. To bolt is to run as quickly as you can. Racehorses are often described as bolting out of the gate. Other uses of bolt include the lock in your door, the act of locking that lock, and what a dog does when it gulps down his food.
なるほど、"bolt" は "quick" を思い浮かべれば良いのですね。いつも昼食を一緒に食べる会社の仲間は非常に食べるのが速いので、これからは昼飯時に "bolt" のこの意味を思い出せば良いので、直ぐに覚えられそうだ。
HIGGINS breaks the chocolate in two, puts one half into his mouth and bolts it.
・Collins Dictionary: to eat hurriedly ⇒ don't bolt your food
・Macmillan Dictionary: bolt or bolt down [transitive] to eat food very quickly: She bolted down her lunch and rushed back to work.
・Vocabulary.com: eat hastily without proper chewing: “Don't bolt your food!”
We love words that sound like what they mean, and bolt is no exception. It's a quick, sharp word that either means to move quickly or refers to a stroke of lightning, as in "lightning bolt."
The god Zeus was fond of tossing bolts of lightning down upon mortals who angered him. If you were one of those mortals, you'd have been smart to bolt inside as soon as the rain began. To bolt is to run as quickly as you can. Racehorses are often described as bolting out of the gate. Other uses of bolt include the lock in your door, the act of locking that lock, and what a dog does when it gulps down his food.
なるほど、"bolt" は "quick" を思い浮かべれば良いのですね。いつも昼食を一緒に食べる会社の仲間は非常に食べるのが速いので、これからは昼飯時に "bolt" のこの意味を思い出せば良いので、直ぐに覚えられそうだ。