Japan's Cultural Code Wordsの「弾力的運営」の項のサブタイトルが "run it up the pole" となっていましたが、この表現自体は記事の中では使われていません。 慣用句のようですが、「弾力的運営」とどの様な関係があるのでしょうか?
"run it up the pole" の表現を掲載している辞書は見つかりませんでしたが、代わりに "run something up the flagpole" という表現の説明を見つけました。 著者はこの意味で使ったに違いありません。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: run something up the flagpole (mainly American): to tell people about an idea in order to see what they think of it Run your suggestion up the flagpole and see what the others say.
・Wikipedia: "Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it" is a catchphrase which became popular in the United States during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It means "to present an idea tentatively and see whether it receives a favorable reaction." It is now considered a cliche. Sometimes it is used seriously, but more often it is used humorously, with the intention that it be recognized as both hackneyed and outdated. A non-joking equivalent would be "to send up a trial balloon."
・American Heritage Dictionary: run (something) up the flagpole Slang: To test (a plan, suggestion, draft, or idea) and then measure the response to it.
「弾力的運営」と "run it up the pole" は少なくとも直接的な関係はないと思いますが、著者は何故この表現をサブタイトルに使ったのでしょうか? この項をもう一度読み直すと次に示す最後の段落の記述が "run it up the pole" と関係がありそうです。
Obviously, the only defense against this kind of polite manipulation is to bring out, up front, any and all things considered undesirable, to put them in writing, and try to build safefuards into agreement.
著者は、日本人の「弾力的運営」に対処するには、考えられる望ましくない状況を全て網羅した対応策を書面で日本人に突付けなさい、つまりこれが "run it up the pole" だと言っているようだ。
"run it up the pole" の表現を掲載している辞書は見つかりませんでしたが、代わりに "run something up the flagpole" という表現の説明を見つけました。 著者はこの意味で使ったに違いありません。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: run something up the flagpole (mainly American): to tell people about an idea in order to see what they think of it Run your suggestion up the flagpole and see what the others say.
・Wikipedia: "Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it" is a catchphrase which became popular in the United States during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It means "to present an idea tentatively and see whether it receives a favorable reaction." It is now considered a cliche. Sometimes it is used seriously, but more often it is used humorously, with the intention that it be recognized as both hackneyed and outdated. A non-joking equivalent would be "to send up a trial balloon."
・American Heritage Dictionary: run (something) up the flagpole Slang: To test (a plan, suggestion, draft, or idea) and then measure the response to it.
「弾力的運営」と "run it up the pole" は少なくとも直接的な関係はないと思いますが、著者は何故この表現をサブタイトルに使ったのでしょうか? この項をもう一度読み直すと次に示す最後の段落の記述が "run it up the pole" と関係がありそうです。
Obviously, the only defense against this kind of polite manipulation is to bring out, up front, any and all things considered undesirable, to put them in writing, and try to build safefuards into agreement.
著者は、日本人の「弾力的運営」に対処するには、考えられる望ましくない状況を全て網羅した対応策を書面で日本人に突付けなさい、つまりこれが "run it up the pole" だと言っているようだ。