English Collection


hit it off

2013年05月31日 | 英語学習
Japan's Cultural Code Wordsの "En/Jyo"(縁/情 Wet Japanese Thing) の項の下記の段落に出てきた表現 "hit it off" を覚えたい。
People who are fortunate enough to have this kind of chance encounter say there is en between them, or that they are somehow connected by en. By the same token, when en does not exist between two people, there is likely to be friction between them, and every time they meet, it seems that something goes wrong. They just do no "hit it off," an experience that is familiar to everyone.
"hit it off" の意味を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: (informal) to have a good relationship with: "I just couldn't meet somebody and say,'Gee, we hit it off over lunch.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to get along well: become friends: they hit it off immediately
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to like someone and become friendly immediately: I didn't really hit it off with his friends.: Jake and Sue hit it off immediately.
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