English Collection



2013年05月28日 | 英語学習
"Japan's Cultural Code Words" は辞書のような本で、文化的な背景を持つ日本語をABC順に説明しています。 最初に取り上げられた言葉は「揚げ足」(Tripping on Your Own Tongue)で、下はその説明からの抜粋です。
In present-day Japan, committing an ageashi is still a serious breach of etiquette, and with some exceptions people still react negatively to big talkers--including politicians. People who are permitted a certain talkativeness include entertainers--particularly comedians whose stock-in-trade is their wit and facile-tongued newscasters, professional commentators, educators, and increasingly since the early 1990s, a few of the country's leading businessmen who have achieved the status of sensei (sen-say-e), "teacher" or "master", and are no longer looked upon only as businessmen.
"facile-tongued" の意味が分からないので、"facile" を辞書で引きます。 容易、融通などの意味も持つ "facility" と関係がありそうですが、どうでしょうか?
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth: facile tears
・Cambridge English Dictionary: describes a remark or theory that is too simple and has not been thought about enough: a facile explanation: We must avoid facile recriminations about who was to blame.
・Urban Dictionary: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively: “able to dazzle with his facile tongue
If someone does something easily, or shows ease, it is described as facile in a good way, but if someone takes the easy way out and shows a lack of thought or care, it is facile in a bad way.
While it is a lovely sounding French word, facile is both a compliment and an insult depending on how it's used. Something that shows ready skill is facile, such as being facile with text messaging. But if something is too simple and superficial, or shows little care, it can also be called facile, or lame. "Being too cowardly to tell the truth and admit he didn't do it, he used the facile and sarcastic excuse that the dog ate his homework."
微妙な意味、使われ方がある言葉ですね。私もどちらかと言うと単純で分かり易い説明、意見を好みますが、いつも分かり易ければ良いと言う訳ではないのも確かです。特に政治家、政党の主張には要注意です。橋本さんもやっと自分の発言の一部だけですが "facile-tongued" だったと認め撤回しましたね。
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