English Collection



2013年05月06日 | 英語学習

"exact" の意味はもちろん知っていますが、My Fair Ladyのヒギンス教授の次ぎの台詞に出てきた "exacting" の意味が分かりません。
HIGGINS[dogmatically]: Well, I haven't. I find that the moment I let a woman make friends with me she becomes jelous, exacting, suspicious, and damned nuisance.
・Collins Dictionary: making rigorous or excessive demands ⇒ an exacting job: However, some builders that he had hired failed to live up to his exacting standards.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: demanding a lot of effort, care, or attention: an exacting training schedule
severe and unremitting in making demands: “an exacting instructor”
・Vocabulary.com: Use the adjective exacting to describe something or someone very precise or strict in its requirements. If your teacher has exacting standards about spelling and punctuation, you better carefully check your final paper.
An exacting person expects things to be, well, exact. For this reason, demanding is a good synonym. Friends who are exacting might let you have it if you show up a minute or two late. Some exacting people are extremely selective about what they eat, rejecting anything that doesn't meet their complicated standards of nutrition and taste.
私の推測は当たらずとも遠からずでしょうか。それにしてもHIGGINSこそELIZAに対し "exacting" だと思います。

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