English Collection



2013年05月13日 | 英語学習
My Fair Ladyから取り上げる最後の表現です。
What a fool I was! What a dominated fool!
To think you were the earth and sky.
What a fool I was! What an addle-pated fool!
"addle-pated" が分かりません。 "fool" を形容しているので、良い意味ではなさそうです。 辞書を見ます。
始めに "addle" を辞書で引きます。
・Collins Dictionary: in combination indicating a confused or muddled state ⇒ addle-brained, addle-pated
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: 1: of an egg : rotten 2: confused: My brain grew more and more addle as I made my way through the tax instructions.
・Vocabulary.com: Addle is a Middle English word coming from the Old English adela, meaning “liquid filth.” It’s related to the German adel, meaning “mire or puddle.” In the thirteenth century, addle was used to refer to rotten eggs. Now it's used to describe a confused mind. When someone's mind becomes addled ? whether it's from age or love or illness ? it’s like the brain is rotten.
次に "pated" の意味を調べます。
・Wiktionary: Having a pate; -- used only in composition; as, long-pated; shallow-pated, twitterpated.
・Dictionary.com: -pated: a combining form of pate: addlepated.
それでは、"pate" を調べると、
・Collins Dictionary: the head, esp with reference to baldness or (in facetious use) intelligence
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: 1: head 2: the crown of the head 3: chiefly disparaging: brain: plopped a cap on his bald pate
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