B.B. Kingが亡くなったことを報じるMay 16のThe Japan Times Online記事にあった単語を取り上げます。
B.B. King, whose scorching guitar licks and heartfelt vocals made him the idol of generations of musicians and fans while earning him the nickname “King of the Blues,” died late Thursday at home in Las Vegas.
"lick" で思い浮かぶ意味は「舐める」だけなので、"scorching guitar licks" の意味が分かりません。辞書を引きます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A short phrase or solo in jazz or popular music: cool guitar licks: Each song combines similar elements - hip hop loops, cheesy retro keyboards, sampled jazz licks, and various other found sounds.
・Wiktionary: A short motif. There are some really good blues licks in this solo.