English Collection


on the make

2015年06月24日 | 英語の本を読む

今日取り上げるのは単語ではなく、Raymond Chandlerの "Red Wind" に出てきた口語表現です。
She switched her hat off and slipped out of the bolero jacket, fast. I grabbed them and wadded them into a mess under my arm. I took her elbow and turned her and we were going down the hall.
"I live in Forty-two. The front one across from yours, just a floor up. Take your choice. Once again-I'm not on the make."
She smoothed her hair with that quick gesture, like a bird preening itself. Ten thousand years of practice behind it.
"Mine," she said, and tucked her bag under her arm and strode down the hall fast. The elevator stopped at the floor below. She stopped when it stopped. She turned and faced me.
"on the make" の意味が分からないので辞書を引きます。
・Oxford: informal Intent on gain, typically in an unscrupulous way.: Mackintosh beckoned from across the park, then sat down next to him like a vagrant on the make.
・Dictionary.com: Aspiring and ambitious, esp in a ruthless and exploitive way; careeristic; hungry: The rookies are very much on the make
・Collins Dictionary:
1.(informal) out for profit or conquest
2.(slang) in search of a sexual partner
In a sense, of course, Blake realized that was how he had pigeon-holed Jerrold in his mind: a rather cheap man on the make.

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