"shyster" はRaymond Chandlerの探偵小説に頻繁に出てくる単語なので覚えたいと思います。次の文はGoldfishからの引用です。
Rush Madder was a shyster in the Quorn Building. An ambulance chaser, a small-time fixer, an alibi builder-upper, anything that smelled a little and paid a little more. I hadn't heard of him in connection with any big operations like burning people's feet.
Rush Madderは "ambulance chaser" とか "fixer" でもあるので、shyster は "shy" とは無縁の人に違いありません。辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: (informal, mainly US) a person, esp a lawyer or politician, who uses discreditable or unethical methods: It's hard to believe that one small-town shyster could have wrought such havoc just by forging a marriage licence.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a dishonest person, especially a lawyer or politician: He's a real shyster.: What are those shyster politicians doing now?
やはり "shy" な人ではありませんね。Vocabulary.comの駄目押しの説明を読みます。
A shyster is someone who might rip you off or do something unethical in order to get his way.
A used car salesman might tell you a car is a thousand dollars, but when you read the fine print, it turns out you’ll pay a lot more. That salesman is a shyster — someone who lies and deceives for his own benefit. The word comes from the German Scheisser, which is a vulgar term for “worthless person.” Although it contains the word shy, it actually sounds more like heist, which makes sense, since shysters are basically trying to rob you.