English Collection


snub out

2015年06月18日 | 英語の本を読む
Trouble is My Businessは65年前の作品なのでタバコを喫う場面が頻繁に出て来ます。今日取り上げるのは喫煙に関係する単語です。
"I don't figure it that way. Because that way I would lose my dough. The old man won't pay-granted. But I wait a couple of years and I collect from the kid. He gets his estate out of trust when he's twenty-eight. Right now he gets a grand a month and he can't even will anything, because it's still in trust. Savvy?" "So you wouldn't knock him off," I said, using my Scotch. "But you might throw a scare into him." Estel frowned. He discarded his cigarette into a tray and watched it smoke a moment before he picked it up again and snubbed it out.
最後に出てきた "snubbed it out" は一旦灰皿に捨てたタバコを又取り上げて火を消し潰したの意味だと容易に推測できますが、"snub" の意味をはっきりと覚えてはいないので辞書で確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to extinguish by stubbing: snub out a cigarette
・YourDictionary: To snub is to put something out.: An example of to snub is to put out a cigarette by crushing it against a hard surface.
私は喫煙をしないので余り "snub out" することはないでしょうが、煙いのは嫌いなので他人が喫って火のついたまま灰皿に残って煙を出しているタバコを "snub out" することはこれからもあるでしょう。
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