今日もReader's Digest 4月号の旅行のヒント記事からの引用です。
YOU DON'T HAVE to break the bank on food while travelling. Many restaurants - particularly in holiday resorts - offer "early bird specials" in the early evening. Eat early and you'll have some extra money for ice-cream or coffee later. Or grab some fresh vegies and fruit, local cheese, and homemade bread and have lunch or dinner al fresco.
ここでの "break the bank" は文脈から、否定形で食事に大金を使う必要はないとの意味だと容易に推測ができますが、一応辞書で確認します。
・Collins English Dictionary: to ruin financially or deplete the resources of a bank (as in gambling): 'Many parents, under pressure from their offspring, are willing to break the bank in order to keep their children in fashionable clothes.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to cost too much: It only costs £2. That's not going to break the bank.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to cost too much Having a winter vacation in the sun without breaking the bank is a dream come true.
"break the bank" なんとも大げさな感じのする表現ですね。
ところで引用文の最後に出てきたイタリア語の表現 "al fresco" もついでに覚えておきたい。
・Oxford Dictionary: In the open air: 'an al fresco luncheon’
YOU DON'T HAVE to break the bank on food while travelling. Many restaurants - particularly in holiday resorts - offer "early bird specials" in the early evening. Eat early and you'll have some extra money for ice-cream or coffee later. Or grab some fresh vegies and fruit, local cheese, and homemade bread and have lunch or dinner al fresco.
ここでの "break the bank" は文脈から、否定形で食事に大金を使う必要はないとの意味だと容易に推測ができますが、一応辞書で確認します。
・Collins English Dictionary: to ruin financially or deplete the resources of a bank (as in gambling): 'Many parents, under pressure from their offspring, are willing to break the bank in order to keep their children in fashionable clothes.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to cost too much: It only costs £2. That's not going to break the bank.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to cost too much Having a winter vacation in the sun without breaking the bank is a dream come true.
"break the bank" なんとも大げさな感じのする表現ですね。
ところで引用文の最後に出てきたイタリア語の表現 "al fresco" もついでに覚えておきたい。
・Oxford Dictionary: In the open air: 'an al fresco luncheon’