ジュニア小説 'A Wind in the Door' の一節にあった "report" の意味が明らかに自分の知っている "report" とは違っています。
Insead, she shoved her books aside and tiptoed back downstairs, stepping carefully over the seventh stair, which not only creaked but sometimes gave off a report like a shot.
OneLook Quick Definitions: a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing) ("They heard a violent report followed by silence")
こんな "report" の意味も知らなかったなんて嘆きたくなるところですがこんな事は日常茶飯事。めげないめげない。
Insead, she shoved her books aside and tiptoed back downstairs, stepping carefully over the seventh stair, which not only creaked but sometimes gave off a report like a shot.
OneLook Quick Definitions: a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing) ("They heard a violent report followed by silence")
こんな "report" の意味も知らなかったなんて嘆きたくなるところですがこんな事は日常茶飯事。めげないめげない。