ROGER PULVERS氏がThe Japan Timesに毎週書いているコラムCUNTERPOINTのJuly 4, 2010のキャプションです。
Japanese betray some blinkered views of their foreign coworkers
"blinkered" の原形は恐らく "blinker/blink" で、そうなると私は車などの点滅器/点滅するしか頭に浮かんできませんが、それではこのキャプションの意味には合わないでしょう。 とりあえず記事を読んでみます。 内容は日経新聞による「職場の外国人の同僚についての日本人意識の調査結果」について書かれたものでした。
Bearing in mind that the majority of Japanese were quite at home with people of other nationalities sharing their work space, it is the negative sentiments that may be notable when it comes to analyzing where, exactly, the Japanese stand today regarding their attitudes toward non-Japanese.
In taking a closer look at these negative sentiments, it is also important not to dismiss them out of hand as groundless. It may very well be true that a certain proportion of non-Japanese employees do in fact resist, or view with disdain, any number of Japanese customs--particularly those practiced in the workplace.
私の経験からすると同じ日本人、日本の会社でも会社の雰囲気、職場の雰囲気はかなり違っていて慣れるのに時間がかかったり、あるいは何時まで経っても自分には馴染めない(それでも我慢しましたが)職場はあるのでこの様な話は当然の気がします。 キャプションにあった単語の "blinkered"
1.narrow-minded and subjective; unwilling to understand another viewpoint.
2.having blinkers on; fitted with blinkers.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: A blinkered person is unable or unwilling to understand other people's beliefs, and blinkered opinions or ways of behaving show someone is unable or unwilling to understand other people; "He's very blinkered in his outlook."
"blinker" を調べると "blinkered" が上記の様な意味を持っている事が分かりそうなので "blinker" も辞書を見ます。
1.a device for flashing light signals.
2.a light that flashes intermittently, esp. one that serves as a traffic signal.
3.either of two leather flaps on a bridle, to prevent a horse from seeing sideways; a blinder.
なるほど、競走馬にする目隠しの事ですね。 "blinkered" が視野が狭い意味になるはずだ。
The Japanese have no monopoly on ishindenshin. Discovering that may help them gain confidence when living and working side by side with people of other nationalities. And it may also go a long way to making this society a more open and tolerant one for all of us.
Japanese betray some blinkered views of their foreign coworkers
"blinkered" の原形は恐らく "blinker/blink" で、そうなると私は車などの点滅器/点滅するしか頭に浮かんできませんが、それではこのキャプションの意味には合わないでしょう。 とりあえず記事を読んでみます。 内容は日経新聞による「職場の外国人の同僚についての日本人意識の調査結果」について書かれたものでした。
Bearing in mind that the majority of Japanese were quite at home with people of other nationalities sharing their work space, it is the negative sentiments that may be notable when it comes to analyzing where, exactly, the Japanese stand today regarding their attitudes toward non-Japanese.
In taking a closer look at these negative sentiments, it is also important not to dismiss them out of hand as groundless. It may very well be true that a certain proportion of non-Japanese employees do in fact resist, or view with disdain, any number of Japanese customs--particularly those practiced in the workplace.
私の経験からすると同じ日本人、日本の会社でも会社の雰囲気、職場の雰囲気はかなり違っていて慣れるのに時間がかかったり、あるいは何時まで経っても自分には馴染めない(それでも我慢しましたが)職場はあるのでこの様な話は当然の気がします。 キャプションにあった単語の "blinkered"
1.narrow-minded and subjective; unwilling to understand another viewpoint.
2.having blinkers on; fitted with blinkers.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: A blinkered person is unable or unwilling to understand other people's beliefs, and blinkered opinions or ways of behaving show someone is unable or unwilling to understand other people; "He's very blinkered in his outlook."
"blinker" を調べると "blinkered" が上記の様な意味を持っている事が分かりそうなので "blinker" も辞書を見ます。
1.a device for flashing light signals.
2.a light that flashes intermittently, esp. one that serves as a traffic signal.
3.either of two leather flaps on a bridle, to prevent a horse from seeing sideways; a blinder.
なるほど、競走馬にする目隠しの事ですね。 "blinkered" が視野が狭い意味になるはずだ。
The Japanese have no monopoly on ishindenshin. Discovering that may help them gain confidence when living and working side by side with people of other nationalities. And it may also go a long way to making this society a more open and tolerant one for all of us.