何の記事かメモするのを忘れましたが次ぎの文はReader's Digest 9月号にあったものです。
Quinn was drafted as a young broadcasting school graduate. But after a battery of tests revealed that he had an unusual aptitude for languages, an Army recruiter leaned across the desk and said, "How'd you like to be a spy?"
"many" を表す英語はそれこそ "many" ありますが、上に引用した文中の "a battery of tests" の "a battery of" もその一つだと推測しますが辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a collection of related things intended for use together ("Took a battery of achievement tests")
・Compact Oxford English Dictionary: a set of similar units of equipment, typically when connected together an extensive series, sequence, or range of things: children are given a battery of tests
・Macmillan Dictionary: a group of similar things; He put her through a battery of tests.
"many" と言う訳ではなく、"a group of similar things" なのですね。 ほとんどの辞書の例文に "a battery of tests" が使われているのは偶然ではないようです。
Quinn was drafted as a young broadcasting school graduate. But after a battery of tests revealed that he had an unusual aptitude for languages, an Army recruiter leaned across the desk and said, "How'd you like to be a spy?"
"many" を表す英語はそれこそ "many" ありますが、上に引用した文中の "a battery of tests" の "a battery of" もその一つだと推測しますが辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a collection of related things intended for use together ("Took a battery of achievement tests")
・Compact Oxford English Dictionary: a set of similar units of equipment, typically when connected together an extensive series, sequence, or range of things: children are given a battery of tests
・Macmillan Dictionary: a group of similar things; He put her through a battery of tests.
"many" と言う訳ではなく、"a group of similar things" なのですね。 ほとんどの辞書の例文に "a battery of tests" が使われているのは偶然ではないようです。