次ぎの文の 'He' は依頼人(弁護士)を指しています。
He asked me how I'd like to cheer up a lonely old man, at the same time pick up a hundred a week. I told him look darling, you've got the wrong Miss Golightly, I'm not a nurse that does tricks on the side. I wasn't impressed by the honorarium either; you can do as well as that on trips to the powder room: any gent with the slightest chic will give you fifty for the girls john, and I always ask for cab fare too, that's another fifty.
"honorarium" は知らない単語ですが、文脈からすると面会に対する報酬/礼金の様ですが確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a payment for a service (as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a usually small sum of money paid to someone for a service for which no official charge is made: We usually offer our visiting lecturers an honorarium of £50.
・Dictionary.com: a payment in recognition of acts or professional services for which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set: The mayor was given a modest honorarium for delivering a speech to our club.
次ぎの文の 'He' は依頼人(弁護士)を指しています。
He asked me how I'd like to cheer up a lonely old man, at the same time pick up a hundred a week. I told him look darling, you've got the wrong Miss Golightly, I'm not a nurse that does tricks on the side. I wasn't impressed by the honorarium either; you can do as well as that on trips to the powder room: any gent with the slightest chic will give you fifty for the girls john, and I always ask for cab fare too, that's another fifty.
"honorarium" は知らない単語ですが、文脈からすると面会に対する報酬/礼金の様ですが確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a payment for a service (as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a usually small sum of money paid to someone for a service for which no official charge is made: We usually offer our visiting lecturers an honorarium of £50.
・Dictionary.com: a payment in recognition of acts or professional services for which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set: The mayor was given a modest honorarium for delivering a speech to our club.