English Collection



2012年05月06日 | 英語学習
今日の表現は辞書を引かなくても分かりますが、面白いと思ったので取り上げます。Breakfast at Tiffany's のHollyと物語の語り手とのメモのやり取りにその表現がありました。
That night I left a message in her mailbox: Tomorrow is Thursday. The next morning rewarded me with a second note in the play-pen script: Bless you for reminding me. Can you stop for a drink tonight 6-ish?
"6-ish" は6時頃の意味でしょう。"-ish" は最近の若い女性が使う「~みたいな」を思い起こさせます。 "-ish" の説明、例文が辞書にあるか見てみます。
・Collins English Dictionaryの"-ish" の説明は:
1.of or belonging to a nationality or group ⇒ Scottish
2.often derogatory having the manner or qualities of; resembling ⇒ slavish prudish boyish
3.somewhat; approximately ⇒ yellowish sevenish
4.concerned or preoccupied with ⇒ bookish
小説と同じ様な例は3ですね。 ついでに他の辞書の例も見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: used with many numbers to make adverbs meaning approximately: We’ll have lunch around one-ish.; “How old is she?” “I don’t know. Fortyish, I guess.”
・Cambridge English Dictionary: used to form adjectives to give the meaning to some degree; partly; quite: He had a sort of reddish beard.; She was oldish - about 60, I'd say.; We'll start at sevenish (= about 7 o'clock).
I want to still be me when I wake up one fine morning and have breakfast at Tiffany's.
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