English Collection



2013年12月09日 | 英語学習
Googleは新年のGoogleロゴを学生のデザインコンテストから毎年選ぶそうで、今年のテーマ "A DAUGHTER'S BEST DAY" で選ばれた18才の女学生が描いたデザインの意味についての話からの抜粋です。
She recalled welcoming her father back from an 18-month stint in Iraq: "All I knew about war was from Forrest Gump, and it scared the crap out of me. So all I was hoping was for my Dad to come home with his legs.
この文の "it scared the crap out of me" の "crap" の意味は同じReader's Digest 11月号の別の記事 "Quotable Quotes" に次ぎのように出てきた "crap" とは違うはずです。 The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap -- I promise you! 後者の "crap" は良い意味ではない事は明らかです。前者の "crap" には悪い意味は無く、"hell" の様に強調のために使われている気がします。辞書で確認します。 Vocabulary.com: Crap is a versatile word, usually meaning feces, stuff, or garbage. It's definitely slang but not really obscene.
This is a word that's on the borderline between acceptable slang and potty language. You can be 100% sure that saying the s-word (which means almost exactly the same thing as crap) will get you in trouble if you said it in class, but crap isn't so clear cut. It's sort of naughty but getting less naughty all the time. But whether you're taking a crap (pooping) or being told to get all the crap (junk) off your desk, you'll find that crap of any kind is never held in high regard.
Wiktionary: (slang, vulgar) Something that is rubbish; nonsense.: The college student boasted of completing a 10,000-word essay on Shakespeare, but the professor judged it as utter crap: (slang) Useless object or entity.: What is that? It's just a bunch of crap: (interjection)(slang) Expression of worry, fear, shock, surprise, disgust, annoyance or dismay.
これらは "crap" の悪い意味ですね。次ぎの辞書には強調の意味として使われる説明があります。
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: You scared the hell out of me. and You scared the crap out of me.; You scared the dickens out of me.; You scared the devil out of me.; You scared me out of my wits.; You scared the pants off (of) me.: You frightened me very badly. (Also with subjects other than second person. Of is usually retained before pronouns.) He scared the hell out of all of us. She really scared the pants off of me.
卓球やテニスでミスショットした時に「くそっ!」とつい口に出すことがありますが、「糞」を連想している訳ではありません。 "crap" の使い方もそれの近いこともあるのでしょうね。
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