医学の進歩も早いので医者でも新しい医学上の事実を知らないことが大いにあるとの記事、When doctors don't know best、がReader's Digest 11月号にありました。
Old Rule: Take medication at the first sign of a fever.
Not only does a rising temperature cause chills and discomfort, but in untamed fever may also lead to scary side effects such as febrile seizures in children. That's why it's important, especially for children, to take a fever reducer right away.
"febrile" は "fever" と、VとBの区別が余りできない私にとっては、発音が似ていますが、意味も関係がありのでしょうか? ネイティブにとっては別の発音に聞こえるはずですが、どうでしょうか?。辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: of or relating to fever; feverish: No child was forthcoming, and by October she became febrile, confused and lost her vision.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: extremely active, or too excited, imaginative, or emotional: She sang with febrile intensity.: He has a febrile imagination.
Febrile is an adjective that means "related to fever." It can be used in a medical sense when someone is sick and running a temperature, or to mean a state of excitement or energy.
When febrile is used to describe a fever due to illness, it is often used together with the word seizure. A febrile seizure is a seizure triggered by a fever. In a non-medical sense, the word can describe a state of excitement, as in, "The atmosphere in the city was febrile as the king's coronation date approached." You might think the fe in the word sounds like "fee," but it is actually pronounced "feh," as in February.
Take medication only in the case of a high fever.
... In general, until your fever climbs higher than 38.3℃, don't treat it.
Old Rule: Take medication at the first sign of a fever.
Not only does a rising temperature cause chills and discomfort, but in untamed fever may also lead to scary side effects such as febrile seizures in children. That's why it's important, especially for children, to take a fever reducer right away.
"febrile" は "fever" と、VとBの区別が余りできない私にとっては、発音が似ていますが、意味も関係がありのでしょうか? ネイティブにとっては別の発音に聞こえるはずですが、どうでしょうか?。辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: of or relating to fever; feverish: No child was forthcoming, and by October she became febrile, confused and lost her vision.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: extremely active, or too excited, imaginative, or emotional: She sang with febrile intensity.: He has a febrile imagination.
Febrile is an adjective that means "related to fever." It can be used in a medical sense when someone is sick and running a temperature, or to mean a state of excitement or energy.
When febrile is used to describe a fever due to illness, it is often used together with the word seizure. A febrile seizure is a seizure triggered by a fever. In a non-medical sense, the word can describe a state of excitement, as in, "The atmosphere in the city was febrile as the king's coronation date approached." You might think the fe in the word sounds like "fee," but it is actually pronounced "feh," as in February.
Take medication only in the case of a high fever.
... In general, until your fever climbs higher than 38.3℃, don't treat it.