今日の単語も昨日とりあげたReader's Digestの同じ記事にあったものです。
Old Rule: Do cardio exercises to lose weight
Cardio exercise has been the gold standard for shedding weight since the concept was introduced to the average person by doctor Kenneth Cooper in his 1968 book, Aerobics, which coined the term and publicised the importance of cardiovascular fitness for controlling weight and promoting health. We've been jogging, running, biking and elliptical training ever since.
"elliptical training" とは何でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。"elliptical" をどの辞書を見ても上の文に合う意味は見つかりません。そこで "elliptical training" で辞書を再度検索し直したら次ぎの説明が見付かりました。
・Dictionary.com: An elliptical trainer: an exercise machine like a stationary bike without a seat, so that exercising is done in an upright position, and having pedals that the user moves in an elliptical pattern, believed to minimize strain on the knee joints.
そうすると、 "elliptical training" は "elliptical trainer" で行うトレーニングの事ですね。
"elliptical trainer" 器具の写真を見つけたのでそれを見て頂ければ一目瞭然です。
Science now shows that quality trumps quantity: short bursts of intense physical activity called intervals are the best workout for weight loss.
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