English Collection


hold court

2010年07月20日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest、5月号に掲載の記事 "My Brother, My Kidney"、腎臓を兄弟に移植した話からです。
And when we do see one another, we talk about anything but the operation. I'm just happy to see him hale and hearty and enjoy watching him holding court with his ribald anecdotes in the company of friends.
"holding court" は慣用句の様な気がしますがどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to be the center of attention among friends or admirers
・Dictionary.com: to be surrounded by one's disciples or admirers, giving advice, exchanging gossip, receiving compliments, etc.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: mainly humorous to receive a lot of attention from other people who stand or sit round you to listen, especially on a social occasion; Patrick is holding court at the end table.
"hold court" できる人は確かにいますね。 "wallflower" の正反対の人ですね。
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2010年07月18日 | 英語学習
Every sunday I post a joke day. But this week the following announcement is a serious one by a leading South African airline according to Asahi Shinbun:
"Using cell phones, electronics gadgets and vuvuzela are prohibited in the plane."
今日は私の住んでいるマンションの夏祭り・盆踊りがあります。 今準備のテントやテーブル等の設営を手伝ってきたところです。 午後から騒がしくなるので避難して卓球の練習に行きます。
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2010年07月17日 | 英語学習

BBCの動物のドキュメンタリーで有名なDavid Attenboroughが書いた "I WISH I WAS A SLOTH"( Reader's Digest、5月号)の記事(slothはナマケモノ)に3年前に覚えた単語("<A href="http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/06/21"><B>midden</B></A>": cf. httt://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/06/21 )が出てきました。 私のブログは主に単語や慣用句を覚えるために書いているのですが、せいぜいその内の半分位しか覚えられず、しかもせっかく覚えたにも係わらず、その後その表現に出会う事のないものも多いのですが、この"<A href="http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/06/21"><B>midden</B></A>"もその一つで、恐らく3年振りの出会いです。(知人に会うようで大げさでしょうか)
Sloths have a communal loo. And there it hangs just above the ground beside the great smelly pyramid while it adds its own contribution.
But beside its <A href="http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/06/21"><B>midden</B></A>, any ground living predator could get at it. So this behavior must be of some considerable importance to the sloth. Perhaps the <A href="http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/06/21"><B>midden</B></A> is the one and only conspicuous beacon in the sloth's dim and silent world - the only place where there is a reasonable chance of getting close to another sloth, and know that you are doing so.
この文の意味の"<A href="http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/06/21"><B>midden</B></A>"に出会いたいとは思いませんが、せっかく覚えた単語・表現なのに滅多に見かけないものに出会った時は本当に嬉しいものです。

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2010年07月15日 | 英語学習
"-- and load up the cabin with rats and snakes and so on, for company for Jim; and then you kept Tom here so long with the butter in his hat that you come near spiling the whole business, because the men come before we was out of the cabin, and we had to rush, and they heard us and let drive at us, and I got my share, and we dodged out of the path and let them go by, and when the dogs come they warn't interested in us, but went for the most noise, and we got our canoe, and made for the raft, and was all safe, and Jim was a free man, and we done it all by ourselves, and WASN'T it bully, Aunty!"
最後に出てくる "bully" はイジメの意味ではないですね。辞書を見ましょう。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: very good ("He did a bully job")
・Dictionary.com: Informal. fine; excellent; very good
こんな良い意味があるのですか! 語源を調べたらもっとびっくり。
Online Etymology: 1530s, originally "sweetheart," applied to either sex, from Du. boel "lover, brother," probably dim. of M.H.G. buole "brother," of uncertain origin (cf. Ger. buhle "lover"). Meaning deteriorated 17c. through "fine fellow," "blusterer," to "harasser of the weak" (1680s, from bully-ruffian, 1650s). Perhaps this was by influence of bull (n.1), but a connecting sense between "lover" and "ruffian" may be in "protector of a prostitute," which was one sense of bully (though not specifically attested until 1706). The verb is first attested 1710. The expression meaning "worthy, jolly, admirable" (esp. in 1864 U.S. slang bully for you!) is first attested 1680s, and preserves an earlier, positive sense of the word.
"bully" が元は愛人だったなんて。 いずれにせよ "I want to be your bully." なんて言ったら、どちらの意味にとるにしてもひっぱたかれそうですが。
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"floundering" vs "foundering"

2010年07月14日 | 英語学習
さて、英語の話題に移ります。英単語のメルマガArcaMaxは普段は1単語についてですが、毎週土曜日は文法や表現についての詳しい説明を特集で配信しています。 先日は紛らわしい単語についての解説でした。
Q. My wife and I are debating whether "floundering" or "foundering" is correct when describing someone who is having a lot of difficulty performing the tasks in a new job. -- Bill, Glastonbury
A. What a coincidence!
Your hapless rookie is floundering if he's struggling, flopping around like a beached flounder. Perhaps he's failing to meet deadlines, flip-flopping in his decisions or constantly misplacing the Flounder File. But enough about me.
But, if he's performing so badly that he's going to be fired, he's foundering, meaning "sinking," as in "the Titanic foundered in the North Atlantic." "Founder" shares the root "fundus" (bottom) with "foundation."
ネイティブの方でも意味・用法で混乱する事があるのですね。 と言うより、ネイティブは単語の意味・用法を辞書で確認しないので、日本人が混乱するのとは異なる単語・表現で混乱するのでしょう。
"floundering" と "foundering" を辞書(OneLook Quick Definitions) で見ます。
1. behave awkwardly; have difficulties ("She is floundering in college")
2. walk with great difficulty
1. stumble and nearly fall ("The horses foundered")
2. sink below the surface
3. fail utterly; collapse ("The project foundered")
4. break down, literally or metaphorically
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2010年07月13日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest、5月号にあった宣伝のような記事ですがタイトルがしゃれています。
I Came, I Saw, iPad
もちろんこれはシーザーの有名な台詞をもじったものですね。("Veni, vidi, vici" (Classical Latin:; I came, I saw, I conquered.) is a famous Latin sentence reportedly written by Julius Caesar in 47 BC)
While thin, the iPad is designed to be used with both hands and sports a wide bezel, so it isn't exactly small.
動詞の "sport" は過去に3度も取り上げているのですが(blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/01/31 、 blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/09/21 、 blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/3/3) その時に調べた意味に "to display or wear usually ostentatiously" があって、上の "sport" は "wear" の意味で使っていると思いますが、主語が人ではないのが気になります。 幾つか辞書を見直したら一つだけ主語が人ではない例がありました。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: The front of the car sported a German flag.
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2010年07月12日 | 英語学習
HUCKLEBERRY FINNもやっと終わりに近づいてきました。
And then I went on and told her all what I told Uncle Silas before; and then she said she'd forgive us, and maybe it was all right enough anyway, and about what a body might expect of boys, for all boys was a pretty harum-scarum lot as fur as she could see; and so, as long as no harm hadn't come of it, she judged she better put in her time being grateful we was alive and well and she had us still, stead of fretting over what was past and done.
オノマトペの様な "harum-scarum" が気になります。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: cheerfully irresponsible ("Had a harum-scarum youth"); in a wild or reckless manner ("Dashing harum-scarum all over the place")
・Dictionary.com: reckless; rash; irresponsible: He had a harum-scarum youth.; recklessly; wildly: He ran harum-scarum all over the place.
Online Etymology: 1674, probably a compound of obsolete hare "harry" + scare, with 'um as a reduced form of them.
確かに、HUCKもTOMも "harum-scarum" そのものです。
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A Budget Air Flight

2010年07月11日 | 英語学習
A budget air flight was forced to make an emergency landing. The crew stayed professional throughout. However.they offered seat belts to passengers for a $10 additional charge.
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2010年07月10日 | 英語学習

The Japan Times Onlin、June 20にあったキャプション。
Is Japan going loopy in a world so alien
"loopy" の意味が気になりますが記事を読みます。本文は次のセンテンスで始まっています。
"Loopy," "hapless," "embarrassing" -- such is the world's, and Japan's, verdict on the short unhappy prime ministership of Yukio Hatoyama.
In retrospect, this 21st-century Japanese Don Quixote seems to have been doomed to failure from the start. What he attempted was honorable, but impossible.
The word enjoyed a fleeting vogue as Japan and the world wondered just what it would mean in hard, practical, down-to-Earth terms. We now know. It means nothing. Hatoyama is history, and yuai, to all intents and purposes, is dead.
次ぎの文に出てくる "miasma" は以前取り上げました。(blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2010/04/05)
Today the talk is of how to avoid falling into the Japanese miasma.
"loopy" の意味も何となく分かって来ましたが辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
・Dictionary.com: Slang. a.eccentric; crazy; dotty; b.befuddled or confused, esp. due to intoxication.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: strange, unusual or silly; He must have gone completely loopy to give up a job like that.
Japan isn't going loopy. と言いたいところですが、余り楽観的にはなれない状況でしょうね。

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2010年07月09日 | 英語学習

Speared by a Tuna
"Does it hurt here? Here?" the PJs asked, probing him gently.
The cabin was rank-smelling and muggy. A lousy place to be sick.
Note: PJ means pararescueman
"rank-smelling" は良い匂いではないのは調べるまでもありませんが、"rank" のこの様な意味・用法は初めてなので辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: very offensive in smell or taste ("A rank cigar")
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: smelling strong and unpleasant; His clothes were rank with sweat.

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