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2011年10月20日 | 英語学習
The Japan Times Online、Oct.5のメルマガに次ぎのキャプションがありました。
Antarctic whale hunt still on; security upped
The annual Antarctic whale hunt will be carried out later this year under heightened security to fend off activists who have vowed to disrupt the cull, the fisheries minister says.
この "cull" は知らない単語です。 記事を読むと次ぎの文があり、
Commercial whaling has been banned since 1986, but Japan conducts whale hunts in the Antarctic and Northwest Pacific under an exception that allows limited kills for research purposes.
そこで、 "cull" は "hunt" あるいは "kill" と同じ様な意味を持つが、ニュアンスが恐らくちょっと異なるのではないかと想像します。 辞書で確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to reduce or control the size of (as a herd) by removal (as by hunting) of especially weaker animals; also : to hunt or kill (animals) as a means of population control
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: 1. to remove something undersirable or inferior from a group; We need to cull this company of inefficient employees. (pluck, remove, eliminate)
2. to select or pick something from a group, especially to use as an example; Now that I’ve done all of my research, I’ll have to cull the data in a concise report. (compile, gather)
Cull is an old farming word that was used to describe the selection of livestock. Since this entailed both selecting and organizing the "good" livestock and removing the "bad," cull now has two almost contradictory uses. One is to remove anything negative, the other is to collect and bring together the good. When using these two definitions, think of the idea of selecting from a group the good components and getting rid of the bad components. The selecting of good components is similar to coalesce, but more specific to selecting the right components, versus coalesce, which means "to bring together and organize resources." Cull can also be used as a noun to denote the thing that has been discarded or selected. Cull is also closely related to glean. See detailed analysis at glean.
日本は協定に基づいて鯨の生態状況を把握するために調査しているつもりだが、反対活動側から見るとやはり "cull" の間引いているとしか見えないのでしょう。 ところで植物の間引きには "cull" ではなく "thin": to remove plants, leaves, trees, etc. so that they do not fill an area or space completely を使うそうです。 "thin" は液体を薄めるのに使うのは知っていましたが植物の間引きにも使えるとは以外です。
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conk out

2011年10月19日 | 英語学習
The Japan Times OnlineのOct.3に次ぎのキャプションがありました。
Nuke plant has 38-hour margin for meltdown Tokyo Electric releases an estimate saying the deformed cores at its meltdown-stricken Fukushima power plant can last 38 hours if the cooling systems conk out again.
ここで使われている "conk out" は知らない表現ですが、文脈からして、冷却システムが機能しなくなる事を意味していると推測できます。
Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Saturday released an estimate saying that if the water injections cooling its stricken Fukushima power plant are halted again, the fuel rods could start melting within 38 hours, unleashing another wave of cancerous radioactive fallout.
キャプションと同じ様な内容を本文では "halt" を使っています。相変わらず怖い話ですが、それはともかく "conk out" を辞書で確認します。
・Vocabulary.com: stop operating or functioning, use up all one's strength and energy and stop working: And the battery conks out after less than an hour.
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online:
1, If vehicles and other machines conk out, they stop working or fail suddenly: I was just two miles from home when my motorbike conked out!
2. to go to sleep very quickly, or to suddenly become unconscious: After a six-hour flight and a long day of meetings, it's not surprising you conked out.
語源辞典には "conk" の由来として次ぎの説明がありました。
as in conk out, 1918, coined by World War I airmen, perhaps in imitation of the sound of a stalling motor, reinforced by conk (v.) "hit on the head," originally "punch in the nose" (1821), from conk (n.), slang for "nose" (1812), perhaps from fancied resemblance to a conch (pronounced "conk") shell.
バハマの海岸で食べた "conch" を思い出しましたが、 "conch shell" から "conk out" の意味には中々つながりません。
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writ large

2011年10月18日 | 英語学習
Oct.2のThe Japan Times Onlineに "Rebel spirit writ large" と題された記事がありました。
"writ" に令状とか命令の意味がある事は知っていますが、このタイトルはその様な意味とは関係がなさそうです。 そこで記事を読み始めましたが、非常に長い記事なのでほとんど端折って読みました。
内容は、福島原発事故が発生した問題とその後の政府と東電の対処に抗議を示す、Sept. 19 に開かれた大規模集会を計画・実行したノンフィクション作家、鎌田慧氏へのインタビューを交えたものでした。
The event, whose massive turnout was virtually unprecedented in passive present-day Japan, ...
Addressing that huge and peaceful gathering, the renowned freelance journalist Satoshi Kamata typically pulled no punches when he stepped up to the microphone on stage and declared: "Human beings cannot live with nuclear power.
Mightier than the sword: A few of the more than 120 books written by Satoshi Kamata on nuclear power, U.S. bases in Okinawa, and labor and other issues.
この著書の一つに"Hankontsu" ("Rebel Spirit")があり、これが記事のタイトルの基になっている事が分かります。
Can we allow more people to become victims of nuclear power?"
When he followed his own question with a resounding "No!" the shouts and applause from the more than 60,000 demonstrators estimated to be there rang out like a clarion call for the abolition of nuclear power.
この "clarion / a clarion call" は昨年取り上げていました。(clarion: loud and clear Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2010/12/29 )
結局 "writ" の意味は記事からでは分からなかったので辞書を見ると "writ large" の項目がありました。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: on a larger scale or in a more prominent manner: the problems of modern totalitarianism are only our own problems writ large
・Vocabulary.com: made more obvious or prominent: “the effect of...his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features”
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: If one thing is another thing writ large, it is similar to it but larger or more obvious: Hollywood is often said to be American society writ large.
・Cambridge Dictionaries of American Idioms: expressed in a bigger or more obvious way: She believed that cultures are just personalities writ large. The genius of the story is that it's about ordinary life writ large. (Usage notes: usually used after a noun, as in the examples)
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2011年10月17日 | 英語学習
Kazuo IshiguroのA PALE VIEW OF HILLSからの引用もこれが最後になります。
"Actually, Mother, it's ages since we went to a film together, isn't it? Not since I was little." Niki smiled, and for a moment her face became child-like. Then she put down her knife and gazed at her coffee cup. "I don't go to see films much either," she said. "There's always loads on in London, but we don't go much."
最後の台詞は、「ロンドンではいつでも沢山の映画が上映されている」と解釈しても恐らく間違いではないと思いますが、"loads" の正確な意味は確信がありません。辞書で確認します。
"There's" となっているので、"loads" は複数形だが単数扱いになる名詞かなと思いますが、どうでしょう?
辞書には "loads" で次ぎの説明があります。
・Wiktionary: (slang) Lots, much, plenty, a great deal.
・Vocabulary.com: a large number or amount
もちろん、"load" の項にも名詞として多くの意味の説明がありますが、いずれも上の引用文に合うものは見あたりません。 意味としては、沢山を意味する "lots" や "a large number" だと思いますが、単数扱いで良いのかどうか、辞書に例文が見あたらないので確認はできませんでした。
A PALE VIEW OF HILLSの著者は両親に連れられて5歳の時に渡英して、日本の事は良く知らないとの事ですが、読んでいる限り、日本の古い映画を見ている様な不思議な印象を受けました。 地元の図書館にはKazuo Ishiguro氏の小説が他にも二冊あるのでそれも読みたいと考えています。
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2011年10月16日 | 英語学習
John, a new staff member, is being shown around the office by his new boss. They head to the IT department where John sees a man using two keyboards at the same time.
John says, "Trust a geek to use two keyboards at once."
His boss replies, "Hey! That's stereotyping."
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pit against

2011年10月15日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 8月号にWOMEN WHO HIT VERY HARDと題したテニスの記事がありました。
The feel-good match of last year, at the French Open in June, pitted Stosur, then 26, against Francesca Schiavone, then 29, both favourites with all-around games, rarities among the women these days, and both sharing the unusual condition of not being one or the other of the Williams sisters in a Grand Slam final.
"pit" は以前 "stone fruit"(Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2008/07/26 ) と "yellowcling"(Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/12/23 ) の話題にも出てきた単語ですが、上の記事の "pit" は "pit someone agaist" が原形で、ここでは対抗させたとの意味だと推測できますが、初めて見る用法なので辞書で確認します。
たまたま最初に見た辞書Macmillan Dictionaryの例文にもWilliams sistersが出て来ました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: pit someone/something against someone/something to make someone compete or fight against someone or something else: Venus Williams will be pitted against her sister in tomorrow’s game.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: pit someone or something against someone or something: to set someone or something in opposition to someone or something. The rules of the tournament pit their team against ours. John pitted Mary against Sally in the tennis match.
・Vocabulary.com: set into opposition or rivalry: “pit a chess player against the Russian champion”
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2011年10月14日 | 英語学習
When the embassy officers probed, Mr. Nakajima Toshijiro of the Foreign Ministry explained that the "stated purpose" of these "mete and bounds" was simply "to add precision".
この "mete and bounds" の表現はこの後にも次ぎのように出てきます。
They also explained that Article 3 of the Peace Treaty did not contain and description of the mete and bounds, so that such an annex was "essentially redundant", and redundancy should be avoided, ast it might lead to misunderstandings later on.
"mete" は知らない単語ですが、"Article 3 of the Peace Treaty" でピンと来ました。 契約書には(特に古い形式の契約文には)類義語を繰り返す表現を多く見掛けます。例えば、 "effective and valid" とか "null and void" 等々の文言です。 つまり、 "mete" と "bounds" はほとんど同じ意味ではないかと言う推測です。 "mete" の意味を辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (usually metes and bounds) historical: a boundary or boundary
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: boundary: metes and bounds
・Dictionary.com: 1. a limiting mark. 2. a limit or boundary
やはり推測通りで、また、 "mete" はこの "mete and bounds" として使われるのがほとんどの様です。
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take someone to task

2011年10月13日 | 英語学習
ASJの6月例会は都合が悪く欠席しましたが、送られてきた会報でDr. Robert Eldridgeによる講演 "The Okinawa Reversion Agreement and the Handling of the Senkaku Islands Issue" の要約を読みましたが、その中に幾つか覚えたい表現、単語がありました。
Inoue argued that the Senkakus belonged to China, and was taken to task by Okuhara; nevertheless his view that the islands belong to China, where they are called the Diaoyutai, is still held, particularly by Chinese writers and government leaders, and even by some international scholars.
"was taken to task" は受動態ですが、原形は "take to task" と言う慣用句がある様な気がするので辞書で調べます。
・Vocabulary.com: censure severely or angrily: I have been taken to task for these words.
・Oxford English Dictionary: take someone to task: reprimand or criticize someone severely for a fault or mistake: He took some military experts to task for their optimistic predictions.
・Infoplease: to call to account; blame; censure: The teacher took them to task for not doing their homework.
推測通り "take someone to task" と言う慣用句ですね。
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2011年10月12日 | 英語学習

月曜日は祝日だったので久しぶりに暇な時間があり、溜めていた録画の番組を幾つも見ました。ラグビーのワールドカップ準々決勝2試合、アルプスの周り170kmを走る激走モンブラン、ジェニファー・ハドソンが出演したショータイムがそれぞれ見ごたえがありました。最近の歌や歌手に疎いのでジェニファー・ハドソンは知りませんでしたが、歌唱力のある素晴らしい歌手ですね。また、綺麗な肌の色は先日取り上げた単語、"maroon" を思い起こしました。
さて、日本の東北大震災の発生で忘れられそうになっていますが、今年の2月に起きたニュージーランドの地震についてのReader's Digest 8月号の記事です。
The earthquake had brought the four-story building in Cambridge Terrace crashing down. Few would forget the images beamed around the world of the concertinaed building.
"concertinaed building" は文脈からして、グシャグシャに潰れたビルと想像しますが、スペルが余り見掛けない語尾になっています。 辞書で意味を確認します。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: to fold, crush or push together: In the accident, several cars concertinaed into each other: figurative Could we concertina the three meetings into one morning?
・Vocabulary.com: collapse like a concertina
"concertina": free-reed instrument played like an accordion by pushing its ends together to force air through the reeds

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2011年10月11日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 8月号、QUICK STUDY LIBYAの記事にあった覚えたい単語です。

"Eccentric", "maverick", "mad dog" are just some of the descriptions of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's 69-year-old leader. His 41-year reign has been marked by corruption, cronyism and ruthlessness.

"cronyism" は良いことではない様ですが何でしょう。

・Vocabulary.com: favoritism shown to friends and associates (as by appointing them to positions without regard for their qualifications): In all cases, these societies were smoldering with longstanding grievances against oppressive, incompetent governments and economies stifled by cronyism.
・Macmillan Dictionary: the practice of giving jobs and other advantages to friends, especially in politics

独裁政治に典型的な特徴ですね。 同義語に "nepotism"(favoritism shown to relatives by those in power
) がありますが、"cronyism" は特に政治の世界の場合に使われる様です。

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