stock" には株や在庫の他にも色々な意味があり、このブログでも幾つかの表現を取り上げていますが、Japan's Cultural Code Words, 「災害」, 英語タイトル Land of Disastersの項に出てきた次ぎの "
stock" はこれまでに取り上げた表現とは別の意味のようです。
The Japanese credit the regular occurrence of natural disasters for much of the character and flavor of their traditional culture, from their architecture to their cult-like emphasis on the kind of beauty that epitomizes the fragility of life. Any discussion of Japanese philosophy, including contemporary attitudes and behavior that have to do with business or other subjects, invariably brings up
saigai as being a fundamental influence. The constant threat of disaster under which the people have lived throughout their history is one of the
stock explanations given for both the resilience of the Japanese and for their compulsive work ethic.
早速辞書で "
stock" の意味を確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: prenominal being a cliché; hackneyed ⇒ a
stock phrase
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: commonly used or brought forward : standard: the
stock answer
・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of an idea, expression, or action) usual or typical, and used or done so many times that it is no longer original: a
stock phrase/
response: "Don't worry - worse things happen at sea" is her
stock expression for whenever anything goes wrong.
これまでに取り上げた "
stock" の表現をおさらいします。
stock character": Any fictional character drawn from some stereotype who is instantly recognizable.
put stock in": to put confidence in or attach importance to; believe; trust
lock, stock and barrel": entirely; including every part, item, or facet, no matter how small or insignificant
take stock": to make an appraisal of resources or prospects
stock-still": as still as a tree trunk