Rare Inside Look Into Diana's Life
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Princess Diana - The Secret Tapes
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プリンスとプリンセスの生活の内部が明らかに~!Happy princessではなくTortured princessだったのですね。→王家内部の真実(ダイアナの真実=不幸)が多くの人々の心を打ったのでしょうか。ボイスコーチによって表現なり発音を訂正したりしています。王家内部の告発がもたらしたのは、ラディカルだった、と言えるかもしれません。スノーデンにしても組織の内部からの告発者(Whistleblower)ですが、ダイアナも自らの結婚生活の偽善(王家の欺瞞)に、愛情のない関係に深く傷つき、苦しんだ末の告発だったのですね。偽善的な関係に終止符を打ち、真に愛し合えるパートナーを求めたきわめて自然体のプリンセスだったと言えます。
He never loved her , he didn't even want to marry her. He was told to ditch Camilla who he was already having an affair with ( She was still married ) by his father and the Queen. You are very delusional if you think that he ever had any love for her other than she was the mother to his children. Camilla was in their relationship before they got married and within a year they were back together having their affair. It's been documented by so many people, both family members, and staff that Charles loved Camilla.