1950年、ベネチアの料理店「ハリーズ・バー」のシェフが、医者に生肉を食べることをすすめられていた伯爵夫人のために、薄く切った牛ヒレ肉にマヨネーズとマスタードを混ぜたソースをかけた料理を考案し、牛肉の赤色がカルパッチョの絵の色を思わせたため、ちょうどベネチアで開かれていた回顧展にあやかって名づけられたとされる。このほか由来には、カルパッチョ自身がこの料理を好んだ、考案したレストランの壁にカルパッチョの絵がかかっていたなど。 野菜を皿に盛る。
* ドレッシング・・酢:醤油:油=1:1:2に塩・胡椒:砂糖少々。
* レモンや柚子を使うのも良い。
Sea Bream Carpaccio
I made sea bream carpatsucho for the first time in a long time, and yabari sea bream is very delicious king of fish.
Carpaccio is one of italian dishes. Raw beef and seafood are sliced into thin slices, olive oil, lemon juice, sauce, etc., and cheese called Parmigianolemono is sliced. I often add flavored vegetables. It is used for appetizers. Originally, it is a dish using beef, but in Japan, it is often used with seafood such as white fish, tuna, and tako. ◇ It is derived from the Venetian painter Bittore Carpaccio.
In 1950, the chef of the Venetian restaurant Harry's Bar devised a dish for the Countess, who had been encouraged by a doctor to eat raw meat, with a thinly sliced beef tenderloin with a sauce mixed with mayonnaise and mustard, and the red color of the beef reminded her of the color of carpaccio's painting, so it is said to have been named after a retrospective that was just open in Venice. Other origins include carpaccio himself who liked this dish, and the wall of the restaurant he devised was painted carpaccio.
①hey serve vegetables on a plate
*Vegetables are seasonal vegetables such as lettuce, peppers, onion slices, carrots, daikon radish, broccoli, cucumber, etc.
②Serve the sea bream fillets on top of①, slice the onion exposed with water (new onions do not need to be exposed to water), and top with soy sauce on top, and add vinegar soy sauce when eating.