Blog of SAKATE



2011-11-18 | Weblog


Greeting and request for audience of “Battlefield for one"

In a play "Battlefield for one", audience is going to watch it without sitting in their seats for ten minutes from the opening of the performance.
We’d like you to experience the “Super-Underground Research Laboratory”, where they are researching “where to dispose high-level nuclear-waste for the last time”.
After the ten minutes or so, we can guide you to your reserved seats. Since the performance has already begun and is going on, we’d like you to take a seat immediately following the instructions by our staffs. Your understanding and your help is highly appreciated.
By the way, in a plan by “Super-Underground Research Laboratory”, they are going to dig up to 1000 meters under the ground. Now, people can go to a cave, which was made temporally and located 500 meters under the ground, using a construction-lift with a capacity of 110 people.There you can see an inorganic and grayish world. There is a quiet corridor, which you can recall an onkalo (a hiding place in Finnish) in a Finnish movie “Into Eternity”. From the gap at your feet in a cave, you can see the underground 200 meters more. It’s not recommended for acrophobe and claustrophobe.
In Japan, “deep geological repository” for 40 thousand nuclear wastes, which high level nuclear waste is solidified into metal container or clay, is needed.
We have to start disposing it there from 2030s since there will be more and more nuclear waste.
Thirty times as much nuclear fallout as an atomic bomb of Hiroshima type is contained in one vitrified waste. It has a high temperature, so it will take tens of thousands of years to cool it down. And hundred and thousand years later, its radiation levels become the same as uranium oreThis laboratory is owned by the city and is going to be borrowed for twenty years from now. It will be returned after the research by being reburied. But if the city wants to continue to use the land after the research, seeking for grants, it will be considered how to be reused again. Then this place will be “the final disposal site” really.
At present, no other disposal field seems to be planned anywhere.
they are repeating their research of the geological layer by digging the hole using rock drills and crushing the rocks by dynamites. I don’t know how many more meters they have to dig until there will be no water in it, but the ground water is overflowing from the gaps on the ground. It is very difficult to discharge water. When the container of “nuclear waste” is corroded and the inside of it is leaked out, contaminated water will definitely be above the ground. There will be nothing we can do if a big earthquake happens.
By observing this site, I could see how uncertain and unclear our own future is. I feel a deep sympathy for the site, where is used as “a laboratory” because “uranium was found out by chance” and because it has also radioactivity.
I thought about the history of the workings of “Ningyo-toge”, which is my registered address and the oldest production area of uranium in “Kagamino-cho, Komata-gun, Okayama prefecture”.
Around me, there are many people who say, “It is difficult to find out deep matters and something fascinated with after March 11th”. Some people say, “Any arts and expression is helpless, where many people are suffering from the nuclear accident.” Those people are not living in Tohoku area. I don’t criticize individual sense,but quite a few people have changed their thoughts by experiencing a direct damage at quake-hit area. Of course there are quite some people who are devastated. What I’d like to say here is that we shouldn’t think about “it is natural for us to stop thinking” as an assumption. We will be the same as people who recall the past and say, “we couldn’t stop the war because any arts and expression was helpless.”
At the moment, there are so many things that we have to face other than the matter of radiation contamination. We have to start something we can do and should never give up continue doing it.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the theatre.

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