


2020-09-21 20:38:16 | Newsメモ
Police say the shooting happened at an illegal house party

 …しかしこのillegal house partyってすごい字面だな。
 いやしかしhouse partyって程度でなんでそんなになるんだと思いきや―

BBC Rochester shooting: Two dead after mass shooting in New York 19 Sep 2020


Two people have been killed and 14 others wounded after a shooting at a house party in the state of New York.

Police in the city of Rochester said they arrived to find around 100 people running down the street.

"This is truly a tragedy of epic proportions," acting police chief Mark Simmons told reporters on Saturday.


No suspects have been arrested over Saturday's shooting and no motive has been identified.

Mr Simmons said the two victims, a man and a woman who have not been named, were aged between 18 and 22. None of the 14 others who were shot suffered life-threatening injuries.

"And then you add in alcohol and violence and it just becomes a recipe for disaster."



BBC Daniel Prude: New York police used 'spit hood' on man who died of asphyxiation 3 Sep 2020

An African American man died in New York state after being hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, who had mental health issues and who was unarmed, was restrained in March by police who put a "spit hood" - used to stop detainees spitting or biting - on his head.

He later died of asphyxiation but his story has only now been made public.

 某アフリカン・アメリカンがspit hood、唾を吐いたり噛んだりするような容疑者を拘束するためのhoodをかぶせて顔面を押さえつけて拘束してたら窒息して死んでしまった、と。メンタル・ヘルス・イッシュースがあったということで―まあ、何かしらちょっとこう、拘束する側も勝手が違っただろうとはいえようが。しかしやはり窒息死を結果するほどに―というのは「やりすぎ」判定なわけで。

His death was two months before the killing of George Floyd.



He becomes agitated, at times swearing at the officers who surround him and spitting, but he does not appear to offer any physical resistance, according to the footage.

Mr Prude told officers he was infected with coronavirus, and they placed a white "spit hood" over his head.


"Spit hoods" are mesh fabric hoods placed over the heads of suspects. They are intended to protect officers from a detainee's saliva.

In recent years, they have been scrutinised as a factor in the deaths of several detainees in the US and other countries.


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