


2020-09-20 18:57:37 | Newsメモ
BBC China holds military drill as US envoy visits Taiwan 18 Sep 2020

BBC Xinjiang: China defends 'education' camps 17 Sep 2020



BBC Former MI6 man suspected of selling information to undercover Chinese spies 20 Sep 2020

BBC Apple and Nike urged to cut 'China Uighur ties' 23 Jul 2020

Corporate giants including Nike face growing calls to cut ties with suppliers alleged to be using "forced labour" from China's Uighur people.

Activists have launched a campaign accusing firms of "bolstering and benefiting" from exploitation of the Muslim minority group.

The US has also ramped up economic pressure, warning firms against doing business in Xinjiang due to the abuses.


BBC US revokes visas for 1,000 Chinese students deemed security risk 10 Sep 2020

The US says it has revoked the visas of more than 1,000 Chinese students and researchers who are deemed to be a security risk.

The move follows a proclamation by President Donald Trump in May aimed at Chinese nationals suspected of having ties to the military. He said some had stolen data and intellectual property.

BBC Chinese students face increased scrutiny at US airports 5 Sep 2020 By Zhaoyin Feng
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