


2022-09-11 21:46:11 | Newsメモ

BBC Ukraine war: Putin says West's sanctions fever wrecks European lives 7 Sep 2022 By Paul Kirby

Vladimir Putin has condemned Western sanctions imposed because of Russia's war in Ukraine as a fever that poses a threat to the entire world.



BBC Aid convoy carrying Ukraine grain arrives in Ethiopia 7 Sep 2022 By Kalkidan Yibeltal

Sixty lorries carrying grain from Ukraine have arrived in Ethiopia – nearly a month after they left the Black Sea port of Pivdennyi.

The supplies were bought by the World Food Programme (WFP) to assist its relief efforts in the Horn of Africa nation.

It is the first shipment of grain from Ukraine to Africa since the start of Russia’s invasion.

The WFP has told the BBC that the supplies will help feed more than a million and a half people for a month.

BBC Ukraine grain ship with aid for Ethiopia docks in Djibouti 7 Sep 2022 By Catherine Byaruhanga

The first shipment of grain from Ukraine to Africa since the war began has docked in Djibouti.

The MV Brave Commander is carrying 23,000 tonnes of Ukrainian wheat that is bound for neighbouring Ethiopia, which is in desperate need of food aid.

It took two weeks to travel here from southern Ukraine.


In Somalia, which also borders Djibouti, famine could soon be declared in parts of the country.
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