


2021-11-09 21:33:04 | Newsメモ

BBC Poland blocks hundreds of migrants at Belarus border 9 Nov 2021


Poland says it has repelled attempts by migrants to enter the country at its eastern border with Belarus, warning that thousands more were on the way.


Video footage showed hundreds of people near a barbed-wire border fence, which some tried to force their way through.


The Polish government called a crisis meeting on Monday and deployed 12,000 troops to the region.


Poland, which has been criticised for pushing back migrants and refugees at its border, has responded to the large number of people arriving there by building a razor-wire fence.

Meanwhile in Lithuania, the government there moved troops to its border with Belarus to prepare for a possible influx of migrants and was considering declaring a state of emergency.


Migrants have told us numerous stories of the role played by Belarussian soldiers in helping them to make illegal crossings into Poland and Lithuania. Some cross in small groups, while others have spoken of being transported to the border in military trucks and shown where to go.


Other videos showed large numbers of migrants being escorted by armed men dressed in khaki.


BBC Belarus migrants: Poland fears armed border escalation 9 Nov 2021

As many as 4,000 people are now caught up in the migrant crisis on Poland's eastern border, officials in Warsaw say. Overnight temperatures at the border have slumped below zero and several people have already died in recent weeks.

Activists say they are being used as pawns in a political game between non-EU Belarus, run by authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko, and its neighbours. EU officials complain of a continuing hybrid attack by Belarus.

Polish TV said many of the migrants gathering near Kuznica were accompanied by armed individuals with dogs.

The head of Poland's national security department, Stanislaw Zaryn, said the migrants were under the control of Belarusian armed units.


Mr Lukashenko has accused border guards in neighbouring EU states of being violent towards migrants.


The Belarusian border guard agency earlier told state media that "refugees" were heading for the EU "where they want to apply for protection".



"Belarus wants to cause a major incident, preferably with shots fired and casualties," deputy foreign minister Piotr Wawrzyk said earlier.

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