


2023-03-17 22:17:26 | Newsメモ

BBC Museveni says West 'wasting time' with gay rights push 17 Mar 2023


Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has accused Western countries of imposing gay rights on African nations as lawmakers in the country prepare to vote on an anti-LGBT bill.

The bill, introduced earlier this month, proposes tougher penalties for same-sex relations in a country where homosexuality is already illegal.

It has sparked criticism from human rights groups.


In an address to parliament on Thursday, President Museveni said Western threats of sanctions on African countries opposed to homosexuality were hypocritical because the West also has some "weird cultures".

"Western countries should stop wasting the time of humanity by trying to impose their practices on other people," Mr Museveni said.

 ヨーロッパ人たちはいとこ同士で結婚するじゃないか。それ、うちの地域ではタブーだよ。じゃあ我々はヨーロッパ人に、親族同士で結婚するからって制裁すべきかな? それ、違うでしょう!

"Europeans and other groups marry cousins and near relatives. Here, marrying in one's clan is taboo. Should we impose sanctions on them for marrying relatives? This is not our job," he added.

Uganda has not prosecuted anyone for consensual same-sex acts in recent years despite strict anti-gay laws.

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