


2024-09-02 21:55:00 | ソマリア関連

Egypt and Somalia's leaders have become very close this year - causing jitters in Ethiopia

BBC Why Ethiopia is so alarmed by an Egypt-Somalia alliance 3 days ago

Ian Wafula

 ソマリア・エジプト間の軍事同盟…! そんなの出来たらエチオピアが切れる。ちょっとそれは言葉の戦争以上の何かになりそう。なにしろエチオピアは2007年からついこの間までソマリアで延々al-Shababと戦い治安回復に貢献してきたのであって、そりゃあ多少はいい目を見たい。

A military alliance between Somalia and Egypt is ruffling feathers in the fragile Horn of Africa, upsetting Ethiopia in particular - and there are worries the fallout could become more than a war of words.


The tensions ratcheted up this week with the arrival of two Egyptian C-130 military aeroplanes in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, signalling the beginning of the deal signed earlier in August during a state visit by the Somali president to Cairo.

The plan is for up to 5,000 Egyptian soldiers to join a new-look African Union force at the end of the year, with another 5,000 reportedly to be deployed separately.


It all comes down to the ambitions of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who wants his landlocked country to have a port. Ethiopia lost its access to the sea when Eritrea seceded in the early 1990s.

On New Year’s Day, Mr Abiy signed a controversial deal with the self-declared republic of Somaliland to lease a 20km (12-mile) section of its coastline for 50 years to set up a naval base.

 20kmほど借りて海軍を配置しよう!って、あのなあAbiy Ahmedさんや、それソマリアは激怒するだろう…。

He added that neighbouring Djibouti was also worried it could harm its own port-dependent economy, as Ethiopia has traditionally relied on Djibouti for imports.

In fact in an attempt to deescalate tensions, Djibouti’s foreign minister has told the BBC his country is ready to offer Ethiopia “100%” access to one of its ports.



Egypt accuses Ethiopia of threatening its supply of water with the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Gerd).

This began in 2011 on the Blue Nile tributary in Ethiopia’s northern-western highlands, from where 85% of the Nile's water flow.

 エチオピアによる水利用で水量が2%減るかも! それは8万1千ヘクタールの灌漑用水が失われることになる! って、この食料危機が高まる昨今、これはさらに意味深いマイナスになる。許容できるかそんなもん。

It also argued that a 2% reduction in water from the Nile could result in the loss of around 200,000 acres (81,000 hectares) of irrigated land.


It could potentially lead to a “low-scale inter-state conflict” between Ethiopia and Egypt if their troops meet at the Somalia border.
Somaliland has also warned that the establishment of Egyptian military bases within Somalia could destabilise the region.


According to Mr Harvey, Turkey and the UAE stand a better chance at mediating and finding a middle ground.

The UAE has heavily invested in Somaliland’s Berbera port and holds significant influence over Ethiopia because of its investments there.


 とまあこのように、北東アフリカ~アラビア半島(+トルコ)を巻き込む大問題になっちゃって、Abiy Ahmedのソマリランド開港政策はあまりにも爆弾だったんじゃないかという…。
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