


2019-10-10 22:00:59 | ソマリア関連
 BBC記事の直訳なら、”ソマリアはなおもal Shababの楽園であるか”といったところか。

BBC US in Somalia: Is it still a safe haven for al-Shabab? 8 October 2019 By Christopher Giles

 米国大使館が28年ぶりに開設されたのは、まあ一定の安定を見たから、とはいえる。しかし日常的に軍基地や外交官が襲撃される国でもある―首都でさえ! これは、状況は安定したと、そういえたものだろうか?

The US recently reopened its embassy in Somalia after 28 years, citing security improvements in the East African nation blighted by conflict for many years.

The announcement came days after a US military base about 90km outside Mogadishu and an EU envoy in the capital were attacked by Islamist militant group al-Shabab.

So has the situation really stabilised?

"It is a significant and historic day that reflects Somalia's progress in recent years."
Donald Yamamoto
US Ambassador to Somalia



President Trump's administration has vastly increased aid and military engagement in Somalia since assuming office in 2017, making it a priority in its global effort to defeat Islamist terrorism and increasing the use of airstrikes and drones to combat militants.

The US military has already conducted more airstrikes in 2019 than in any previous year.


Analysts say that civil society, previously generally supportive of airstrikes, has been strained by the sheer frequency of attacks that are now taking place.

Al-Shabab still retains control over large areas of rural Somalia and continues to mount attacks in urban centres.

Most of these have occurred in Mogadishu and the Lower Shabelle region close to the capital.

 al Shababは、以前の、わりと正々堂々たる対峙をすっかりひかえ、地味なテロや裁判等々の地味な統治実績を地方で積み上げる方向。

In recent years it has changed its approach from direct military confrontation, to destabilisation tactics, such as bombings, raids and assassinations of Somali and international officials.

It has also continued to be successful in generating revenue from local clans, collecting taxes and running courts outside government-controlled areas.


 ところでSomalia Watcher氏が2017年ころから停止している様子ですね。
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参考記事 ()
2019-10-11 22:18:38
US attacks on Somalia's al-Shabab increase under Trump 
By Tomi Oladipo 7 January 2019

