

エチオピア:Tigray crisis:TPLFがだいぶ進撃したようで

2021-11-01 21:33:13 | Newsメモ

BBC Abiy urges all-weapons fight against Tigray rebel advance 1 Nov 2021


Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has urged his supporters to use any weapons they have to stop an advance by Tigrayan rebel forces.

Mr Abiy said it was the duty of citizens to, "block, destroy and bury" the forces of the TPLF rebels.

A TPLF spokesman, Getachew Reda, said they had captured Kombolcha city and that their only aim was to break a siege of Tigray.

The Ethiopian government has denied assertions by the TPLF rebels that they've seized Kombolcha and nearby Dessie in the Amhara region.


It came as a spokesman of the rebel Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) also said they had taken Kemise city - about 50km (33 miles) from Kombolcha and 325km from Addis Ababa - and were fighting with government forces.


BBC US 'alarmed' by reported takeover of Ethiopian towns 1 Nov 2021

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the US is alarmed by reports that Tigrayan rebel forces have taken over two key Ethiopian towns of Dessie and Kombolcha.

“Continued fighting prolongs the dire humanitarian crisis in northern Ethiopia,” he says in a statement on Twitter, urging all parties to stop military operations


BBC Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: PM Abiy calls on citizens to take up arms against rebels 1 Nov 2021

Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has appealed to citizens to take up arms to block advancing rebel fighters.

He made the call on Facebook after the rebels, from the northern Tigray state, reportedly seized control of more towns in neighbouring Amhara.

The US has called for a ceasefire in a year-long conflict that has created a humanitarian crisis.

The Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) says its aim is to break a siege of the northern region.

His comments coincided with the rebels reportedly capturing the strategic towns of Dessie and Kombolcha in Amhara state, just over 300km (186 miles) north of the capital, Addis Ababa.

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