


2024-09-14 21:20:55 | Newsメモ

Authorities said about 1,200 people had taken part in the demonstration targeting the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition, many of whom sported Palestinian flags and sang pro-Palestinian chants.


Dozens of people have been arrested after clashing with police at an anti-war demonstration in Melbourne.

BBC Dozens arrested after clashes at Melbourne anti-war protest 3 days ago

Matt Murphy

 嗚呼! 平和を愛する人たちの平和なデモになんてことを! と言うのが通例であろうところ、平和を愛する平和の人々は、パレスチナの無辜の人民を殺害する西側兵器ショーなどを警護する不名誉な警官隊に石をぶん投げ「肥料manure」をぶっつけ、果ては酸を詰めたボトルを放り投げたそうで、だいぶ不穏な平和もあったものだと。


Police said they were "appalled" by the actions of some demonstrators targeting a military hardware sales show in Australia's most populous city, accusing them of pelting officers with rocks, manure and bottles filled with acid.

 …酸とくると、かなーり実質的な身の危険があるわけで(失明は割とありがち。マズい)、そりゃキッツい対応するよ? するよ!

"You don't say you're opposed to defence equipment by throwing things at police," Mr Albanese told local media. "They've got a job to do and our police officers should be respected at all times."

 デモ隊側としてはフラッシュバン・グレネードや催涙スプレーの類をぶちまけられる筋合いはないぞ! という模様。直撃したら失明しそうなのはその通りではある。

By contrast, protestors said officers were heavy-handed and responded with flashbang grenades and irritant sprays to control the hostile crowd.

"The police have been extremely violent towards protestors today, actually in an unprecedented way," Jasmine Duff, an activist from Students for Palestine, said.

"They used flashbang grenades, they’ve been pepper spraying people very viciously."

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