BBC North Korea defection: Warning shots as soldier crosses border to South 21 Dec 2017
「South Korea's military has fired warning shots at North Korean guards searching for a soldier who defected.
The North Korean soldier had walked across the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) shortly after 08:00 (23:00 GMT Wednesday).」
「He is the fourth North Korean soldier to defect this year. The incident comes weeks after one of the most dramatic defections in recent times」
「But as the North Korean soldier approached the post, his movements were picked up on surveillance equipment」
産経新聞 北の兵士越境後、韓国側が警告射撃 亡命者は下級兵士 2017.12.21 12:43
毎日新聞 北朝鮮兵士亡命 入隊2年目 「しごき」に耐えかね逃走か 毎日新聞2017年12月21日 21時15分(最終更新 12月21日 21時15分)
朝日新聞 北朝鮮兵士、また韓国側へ逃走 漁船乗員も亡命求める ソウル=牧野愛博2017年12月21日11時44分
「South Korea's military has fired warning shots at North Korean guards searching for a soldier who defected.
The North Korean soldier had walked across the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) shortly after 08:00 (23:00 GMT Wednesday).」
「He is the fourth North Korean soldier to defect this year. The incident comes weeks after one of the most dramatic defections in recent times」
「But as the North Korean soldier approached the post, his movements were picked up on surveillance equipment」
産経新聞 北の兵士越境後、韓国側が警告射撃 亡命者は下級兵士 2017.12.21 12:43
毎日新聞 北朝鮮兵士亡命 入隊2年目 「しごき」に耐えかね逃走か 毎日新聞2017年12月21日 21時15分(最終更新 12月21日 21時15分)
朝日新聞 北朝鮮兵士、また韓国側へ逃走 漁船乗員も亡命求める ソウル=牧野愛博2017年12月21日11時44分