


2021-12-01 10:27:03 | Newsメモ
 ガーナのとっつあん。休日に気晴らしなんて思いもよらない、土日も、一日160kmも走り回って、修理もできないような壊れた携帯電話を買い集めているぞ! 集めてどうするって? ヨーロッパの会社に売るのさ!

BBC Why broken African phones are shipped to Europe 30 Nov 2021 By Ben Morris

Eric Arthur does not have much time for hobbies - he spends most weekends driving all over Ghana collecting broken mobile phones.

From his home in Cape Coast he can rove more than 100 miles (160km) in one weekend visiting repair shops and scraps yards - anywhere that has a decent supply of broken devices.


His weekend work is paid for by a Dutch company called Closing the Loop. The company ships the phones collected by Eric and his team over to Europe, where they are broken down and recycled. Then a specialist smelting firm retrieves around 90% of the metals in the phone - a process which incinerates the plastic parts.


Joost de Kluijver, who co-founded Closing the Loop with Reinhardt Smit, says the answer is simple. Africa does not yet have the sophisticated smelting plants needed to retrieve the small quantities of highly valuable metals that go into making a mobile phone.

Meanwhile around 230 million phones are sold in Africa every year. When they are no longer needed, some are picked up by the informal recycling industry, but most are thrown away.

 230 millionというほど携帯電話は売れているわけで、まあ結構な「鉱山」である。

【環境問題】【environmental issue】

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