


2024-03-18 20:11:17 | Newsメモ

BBC El Nino drought: Panama Canal cuts ship numbers further 1 November 2023 By Peter Hoskins


The Panama Canal will make more cuts to the number of ships using the waterway due to the worst drought in over 70 years, authorities say.

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) says it has been forced to make the decision due to the driest October since records began in 1950.


The Panama Canal greatly reduces the time and distance for ships to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, between 13,000 and 14,000 ships use it annually, according to the canal authority.

Starting from 3 November, booking slots will be cut to 25 per day from an already reduced 31 per day, the ACP said.

That number will be further reduced over the next three months to 18 slots per day from the start of February 2024.



BBC Can the Panama Canal save itself? 6 Mar 2024 By Michelle Fleury

The most famous waterway in the Americas is running dry.

Unlike the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal is fed by a freshwater lake, Lake Gatún, and its water level is falling critically low.

After a choppy boat ride across Lake Gatún, Nelson Guerra, the Panama Canal Authority's hydrologist, points toward a rusted ruler beneath a tower on the western end of the water.

"The level, as you see on the rulers, is 81.20ft," he says. "The level should be five feet more than now."

The Panama Canal is reliant on rainwater, which is in short supply.

A lack of rain and the El Nino weather phenomenon have contributed to the second driest year in the canal's 110-year history.

A solution needs to be found lest global trade, which has become more unstable this year, gets even more so. Trade volumes through the Panama Canal have fallen 49% compared to its peak.

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