


2018-08-24 22:29:22 | Newsメモ
BBC Huawei and ZTE handed 5G network ban in Australia 23 Aug 2018

Chinese smartphone maker Huawei says the Australian government has banned it from providing 5G technology for the country's wireless networks.
It said fellow communications firm ZTE had also been banned, both reportedly because of national security concerns.

China's foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said Australia should not "use various excuses to artificially erect barriers".
It called on Australia to "abandon ideological prejudices and provide a fair competitive environment for Chinese companies".


BBC China's ZTE 'poses risk to UK security' 16 April 2018

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has written to UK telecoms providers warning them that the use of ZTE's equipment and services could pose a national security risk.

BBC UK criticises security of Huawei products 19 July 2018

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