


2020-09-01 12:52:33 | Newsメモ

BBC Europe's migrant crisis: The year that changed a continent 31 Aug 2020 By Gareth Evans


Five years ago, more than one million people crossed into Europe. Many of them took huge risks and embarked on dangerous journeys in an effort to escape conflict and find a better life.

But the sudden influx of people sparked a crisis - both humanitarian and political - as Europe struggled to respond. Thousands died attempting to reach its shores and, while some countries opened their arms, others erected fences and closed their borders.

The impact of this mass migration is still being felt today. Here, BBC correspondents, experts and those who made the journey themselves reflect on that dramatic time. How did it change Europe and the lives of those involved?


Lara Tahan, Syrian teacher: My two sisters already lived in Germany. I realised that Turkey was not the future I was looking for for me and my little kids, so I decided to travel there to find better opportunities.


Jenny Hill, Berlin correspondent: Germany had been taking in people fleeing war and persecution and it had a reputation as a welcoming country. But when thousands of people arrived at the start of September 2015, a crowd was there to meet them with hand-painted signs and gifts for the exhausted people coming off the trains. They broke into spontaneous applause and cheering - it was an extraordinary moment.


Lara Tahan, Syrian teacher: I arrived in Munich after a long and complicated journey. It was raining cats and dogs! For me that was the first strange thing I noticed... rain in the summer! But I met very nice people who were so open to the refugees.



Guy De Launey, Balkans correspondent: The big shift came when police in North Macedonia fired teargas at people trying to cross the border with Greece. The authorities said they were overwhelmed. It seemed like Europe had suddenly become keenly aware of a problem that had been hiding in plain sight.


 ハンガリーは国境封鎖や鉄道封鎖に踏み切ったが「But the measures just forced people into the hands of smugglers and illegality.」とまあ、違法移民移送で儲けようとする業界を活発化させもしたと。

 ドイツ・メルケルの難民受け入れ策は(”欲しけりゃ連れてけ”などというハンガリーのコメントは、うんまあ、その、さておき)しかし、人道的に立派ではあったが中央政府による地方政府へのフォローは不十分だったということのようで「In reality, it became the job of local mayors and authorities to sort the logistics. But they were supported by a remarkable volunteer movement.」まあ、『おおーいメルケルさんよー、現実的には地方の、おれらボランティアで持ってんじゃねえのー?』という意識、中央政府恃むに足りずという意識を醸成しはしなかったか。

Guy De Launey, Balkans correspondent: Eventually, the Balkan Route was declared closed in March 2016. That helped to reduce the flow of people.


 当事者の声として「I have legal status now, and I want to use my degree, but I've come to realise they don't accept foreign qualifications here.」これは教育現場でも言及してよいかと思う。故郷でとった学位が通用するかどうか。

Maddy Savage, Sweden correspondent: A lot of people thought Sweden would be paradise but the reality has delivered more challenges than they might have expected. Even highly educated migrants with great English have struggled to progress because their qualifications are invalid.


Samar Jaber, engineering graduate from Jordan: I've applied for about 100 jobs and have never been invited to interview. So now I've decided to do what they want and I'm studying for a Swedish diploma. I want to build a future, I want to be independent, but it's been six years and I don't have anything.



Samar Jaber, Engineering graduate from Jordan: You cannot feel stable. It feels like every time I do something I get asked for another thing! Do you think I want to stay at home and not work? We all want to work. But there's nothing.


Maddy Savage, Sweden correspondent: But it's still difficult for immigrants to climb the ladder.



Jenny Phillimore, professor of migration: One legacy of 2015 is the innovative ways people have addressed issues like housing. In Hamburg and Bremen they actually turned shipping containers into homes for migrants. In Amsterdam, they built a similar "container city" that housed 50% young Dutch people and 50% refugees. But there are still issues.



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