breaking newsというから何かと思えば、ナイジェリアが全土停電。君たち、ニジェールに電気を提供してなくてよかったねえ―と素で思ってしまった。格好がつかないったらありゃあしない。
42 minutes ago状態で読んでみる。
BBC Nigeria hit by widespread blackout in 'total system collapse' 14 Sep 2023
「Nigeria has been hit by widespread power cuts following a "total system collapse", electricity distribution companies say.
Levels of power being generated fell to zero megawatts early on Thursday.」
「Power supplies are often erratic in Nigeria, despite its role as a major oil and gas producer.」
「The West African country's grid collapsed at least four times in 2022 - authorities blamed this on technical problems.On Thursday at around 10:30 local time (09:30 GMT) power levels rose from zero to 273MW, which is still well below the daily average of 4,100MW, data from the Transmission Company of Nigeria showed.」
42 minutes ago状態で読んでみる。
BBC Nigeria hit by widespread blackout in 'total system collapse' 14 Sep 2023
「Nigeria has been hit by widespread power cuts following a "total system collapse", electricity distribution companies say.
Levels of power being generated fell to zero megawatts early on Thursday.」
「Power supplies are often erratic in Nigeria, despite its role as a major oil and gas producer.」
「The West African country's grid collapsed at least four times in 2022 - authorities blamed this on technical problems.On Thursday at around 10:30 local time (09:30 GMT) power levels rose from zero to 273MW, which is still well below the daily average of 4,100MW, data from the Transmission Company of Nigeria showed.」