


2019-04-27 12:22:37 | Newsメモ
BBC Trump denies paying North Korea for Warmbier treatment 26 April 2019

Earlier reports said that the US had been billed $2m (£1.5m) for the student's medical care.
North Korea had allegedly demanded the bill be paid before he was allowed to return home.

President Trump has denied paying North Korea money for the medical care of comatose US student Otto Warmbier.

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The main US representative sent to retrieve Warmbier signed a pledge to pay the medical bill on the orders of President Trump, the Washington Post newspaper said, citing two people familiar with the situation.



The former official noted that the acceptance of the bill happened under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was keen on opening up a dialogue with North Korea.

The unnamed source said Mr Tillerson's awareness of Warmbier's critical condition, or his lack of political experience may have contributed to the decision.




The main US representative sent to retrieve Warmbier signed a pledge to pay the medical bill on the orders of President Trump, the Washington Post newspaper said, citing two people familiar with the situation.



On Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders refused to comment on the claim. In a statement to CBS, she said: "We do not comment on hostage negotiations, which is why they have been so successful during this administration."

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