


2023-10-08 19:06:45 | Newsメモ

BBC Distressing footage of Hamas assault on Israel verified 8 Oct 2023 By Merlyn Thomas and Daniele Palumbo


One particularly distressing video shows a woman bloodied and barefoot, with her hands tied behind her back. She is then dragged out of a jeep by her hair and bundled into the back by armed men and driven off. We verified that this was filmed on the outskirts of Gaza city in Sheijia.


Another video shows Palestinian militants dragging a lifeless body of what appears to be a soldier out of car. Two men then stamp on the man's body, cheering and lifting their guns up into the air. A crowd of men subsequently swarm the body.

A spokesperson for the Israeli Defence Forces has confirmed that "soldiers and civilians" have been abducted by militants.


BBC What we know about Israeli hostages taken by Hamas 8 Oct 2023 By Alys Davies

A "significant number" of Israeli civilians and soldiers are being held hostage by Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military says.

Some are alive and some are presumed dead, military spokesman Lt Col Jonathan Conricus said.

Children, women, the elderly and the disabled were among those taken, he added.


Videos posted on social media, which have not been verified by the BBC, appear to show one woman who attended the party being kidnapped and held on a motorcycle by two men.

She was identified by her partner's brother Moshe Or as an Israeli woman called Noa Argamani.

Mr Or had reported her missing, before seeing her and his brother in the videos, both held by several militants.

BBC Footage emerges of 'gunmen in Sderot' 7 Oct 2023

Footage emerges of 'gunmen in Sderot'

BBC Video 'shows captured Israeli tank in Gaza' 7 Oct 2023

Palestinians are seen jumping on the military vehicle, as smoke pours from it.

BBC Latest violence between Palestinian militants and Israel in pictures 7 Oct 2023

BBC How did Israeli intelligence fail to stop major attack from Gaza? 7 Oct 2023 By Frank Gardner



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