


2023-10-11 14:32:09 | Newsメモ

BBC South Africa egg shortage: How poultry products became a hot commodity 11 Oct 2023 By Nobuhle Simelane

In an effort to stop the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - a deadly, extremely infectious type of bird flu - farmers have culled more than seven million egg-laying chickens. That amounts to 20-30% of the country's entire chicken stock, according to South African Poultry Association.


Eggs are currently South Africa's hottest commodity.

The country has been grappling with one of its worst outbreaks of bird flu - millions of chickens have been killed over the past few weeks, supplies of poultry meat have been threatened and supermarkets across the nation have run out of eggs.

Experts predict the egg shortage will cause the popular ingredient to jump in price - far from ideal considering it is one of the most affordable sources of protein for the millions living in poverty.

Retailers, farms and industry giants have also been hit, with the nation's largest chicken producer stating the flu had "ravaged" a sector already burdened by rising costs and an electricity crisis.

Farmers and industry experts estimate it will take six months for the poultry sector to replace the chickens it culled - meaning any shortage of poultry products could last through the festive season and into 2024.


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