Space Travel

2013-06-25 11:25:51 | ラジオ英語
Week 3 Space Travel
A Job in Space?
What makes you think you're cut out for the job?
Well. I'm fearless and determined.
For example?
I've swum in shark-infested waters to rescue a surfer.
That's commendable.
I have 20/20 vision.
And I've got 1,000 hours of flight time under my belt.
Very impressive!  You've got the right stuff.
Space Tour
How is everything, sir?
I have a splitting headache.
You have a case of space sickness.
Have some coffee.
We will be landing on the moon shortly.
What kind of activities are being offered?
A high jump contest and collecting moon rocks.
I think I'll stay put.
As you like.
Planet Hunting
Have you heard of the Kepler spacecraft?
It was launched into space in 2009.
What's its mission?
To search for habitable planets.
Did it locate one?
So far it's found over 2,000 earth-like planet candidates.
Do you think aliens from outer space exist?
That's another story.
The Greatest Show on Mars?
Who in their right mind go to Mars?
I would.
Peter, are you serious?
Yes, I am, Sharon.
You'd have to undergo years of training.
That wouldn't bother me.  I'd be the star of the show.
It's a one way ticket to no-man's land.
I could always back out at the last minute.
Good grief.

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