from today's Nikkei

2006年04月09日 14時38分47秒 | 新聞記事から
国際石油帝石 豪でガス田7000億円投資
日本向けにLNG生産 輸入量の1割

International Petroleum Exploitation & Teikoku Oil Holdings( IPETOH)とでも言うのでしょうか?正解はわからない。
ちなみに国際石油開発はINPEX,帝国石油はTeikoku Oil.

According to a today's newspaper, International Petroleum Exploitation & Teikoku Oil Holdings,which has been founded recently by two companies of International Petroleum Eploitation and Teikoku Oil,will likely invest about 700 billion yen in exploiting gas fields in Australia.It intends to produce natural gas there, and turn the products into liquiefied natural gas for imports to Japan.The output there will match about 10% of overall Japan's imports.
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