Nissan has decided to build a new plant for assembling automibiles in Russia.According to the plan, The company will begin the production there from 2008 at a pace of about 20,000 units a year.
年2万台の台にこだわるなら、20,000-unit level などでlevelを入れる手があるでしょう。The production capacity will become a annual 20,000-unit level.
Nissan has decided to build a new plant for assembling automibiles in Russia.According to the plan, The company will begin the production there from 2008 at a pace of about 20,000 units a year.
年2万台の台にこだわるなら、20,000-unit level などでlevelを入れる手があるでしょう。The production capacity will become a annual 20,000-unit level.