my way of translation (3) 3/12

2022年03月12日 08時13分53秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To optimistically set up a grand design, pessimistically make a plan, and again optimistically put it in practice:

In order to realize a new thing, it is crucial for you to have a dream and hope as it should be, and set up a goal with an optimistic mind.

However, in the stage of planning, you have to review your goal with a pessimistic mind, and carefully examine all the possibilities.

And finally, in the stage of execution, you should have confidence of " we can do it, " and optimistically and brightly put your ides into practice.

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my way of translation (2) 3/12

2022年03月12日 08時06分26秒 | 翻訳・通訳
It is quite respectful for you to work more than others. But, it is respectful as well to work less, and accomplish more than before.
( how to work )
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my way of translation 3/12

2022年03月12日 07時59分37秒 | 翻訳・通訳
There is a cause for failure created when things are going well, and there is a bud for success coming out when you are facing difficulty. (success and failure)
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