my way of translation 1/8

2023年01月07日 18時33分46秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To have a spirit of challenge:

Most people have a tendency to not like change and stick to the present situation. But, taking it easy without taking on new things or difficult challenges will lead to your declining. So, you should always take on the challenge of new things, denying the status quo, and setting a high aim.

However, as the world of challenge has a courageous and comfortable sound, you should not be under illusion of the word. You need to have a real courage, patience, and efforts to face difficulties and get through them.

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my way of translation 1/7

2023年01月07日 18時15分28秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Business management based on virtue:

The kind of business management which controls humans by authority or arouses humans' desires with money does never last long. Although it gets success temporarily, it will surely lead to failure, with the minds of the people around apart.

Business management should be for eternal prosperity of a company, then there is no way but the management based on virtue.


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