English Collection


cross selling/up selling

2008年08月14日 | 英語学習
以前このブログで紹介したマーケティング・ビジネス英語の勉強会BizComに昨晩久しぶりに参加しました。 テキストの "Kotler on Marketing" に "cross-selling/up-selling"と言うマーケティング用語が出てきましてその意味が問題となりました。"cross-selling" は電子辞書に「抱き合わせ販売」とありましたが "up-selling" の方は辞書にありませんでしたので宿題となりました。
まず "cross-selling" ですが、これはOneLook検索で幾つかの辞書がリストされましたが、専門用語なので専門用語辞書の定義を見てみます。
Encouraging a customer who buys a product (gasoline, for example) to buy a related or complementary product (engine oil, for example). Cross-selling is generally illegal if there is a tie-in between the two products; where the customer must buy one in order to buy the other.
The strategy of pushing new products to current customers based on their past purchases. Cross-selling is designed to widen the customer's reliance on the company and decrease the likelihood of the customer switching to a competitor.
In a retail store, placing related products close to each other.
"cross-selling" と言っても手法には結構幅があるんですね。
次ぎの "up-selling" はオンライン辞書もWikipediaしかリストに出てきませんでした。
Wikipedia: Up-selling is a sales technique whereby a salesman attempts to have the customer purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. Up-selling usually involves marketing more profitable services or products, but up-selling can also be simply exposing the customer to other options he or she may not have considered previously. Up-selling can imply selling something additional, or selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of the original sale.
説明の最後の方にある "selling something additional" となると "cross-selling" とも重なりますね。広告に釣られて安い商品を買おうと出かけたが販売員に勧められて高い商品を買うことがありますがこれも "up-selling" なのですね。
Wikipediaは説明が丁寧なのでついでに "cross-selling" も見てみました。
Cross-selling is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "the action or practice of selling among or between established clients, markets, traders, etc." or "that of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer". In practice businesses define cross-selling in many different ways. Elements that might influence the definition might include: the size of the business, the industry sector it operates within and the financial motivations of those required to define the term. The objectives of cross-selling can be either to increase the income derived from the client(s) or to protect the relationship with the client(s). The approach to the process of cross-selling can be varied. Unlike the acquiring of new business, cross-selling involves an element of risk that existing relationships with the client could be disrupted. For this reason it is important to ensure that the additional product or service being sold to the client(s) enhances the value the client(s) get from the organisation.
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